Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Aspect Pattern's in the Natal

They say in every lifetime that we are born into that we have a specific Soul Mission, that we must complete. I've always been spiritually inclined since I was a child, always wondered what my purpose was, but when your a child it doesn't tend to bother you so much, but as you grow up you tend to ask yourself that age old question " Why am I here". And I have recently been asking myself that question, so I thought I'd see if I could find out through astrology ( as you can see from previous posts), I managed to get myself a copy of  Solar Fire Gold to study my natal chart, it was very revealing, and pretty accurate, so I thought I would share my findings, and how fascinating they are, and what all the aspects, and aspect pattern's mean. 
As you can see from the Image to the right, natal charts are very complex and understanding them even more so, I had to purchase myself a few books, Aspects in Astrology & Twelve Doors to the Soul to help me to understand the aspects in my chart.
As you can see from the chart, I am a Virgo with a Cancer rising Ascendant( the house of self),and my Descendant( the house of relationships) is in Capricorn. The first aspect on the chart that you see is a sextile between my ascendant and mercury which is in Virgo, then I have a square aspect between my ascendant and my moon which is in Libra, the triangle shape you can see in the centre of the chart is called a "Quadriform" or in astrological terms " Thor's Hammer or God's Fist", sound pretty ominus doesn't it?, I shall give a description of it's meaning later in the blogpost, but first onto the other aspects.

Ascendant sextile Mercury

It basically means that, I'm very strong in the handling of details,writing,speaking,mailing and other mental pursuits. My idea's are supposedly well recieved, my mind is alert, and I can easily and quickly grasp information.

Ascendant square Moon 

The way I express myself to others, or my body language and manner, tends to conflict with how I actually truly feel. I'm highly emotional and my feelings usually demand immediate attention. While my body language is expressive, it's not always a true reflection of how I actually feel. Uncertainty about how others will respond to me if I do express my true feelings. I'm also highly sensitive to the moods of people around me and the emotional atmosphere of my immediate surroundings, although I often interpret these things in an exaggerated fashion.

Mercury square Saturn

The voice of authority,language barriers,negative thinking,the disciplined mind,learning the hard way and defining one's idea's.

Saturn connected to a personal planet in hard aspect has a censoring effect on the planet involved. With Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn, whatever the person says and writes is self-censored to some degree. That's quite true too, the sensoring is usually automatic, it's always been hard for me to pour out my emotions, no matter how emotional and needy I feel on the inside, it's because I'm always aware of what other's might think of me. I'm not always a deliberate thinker or speaker though, I don't always pick & choose my words carefully, sometimes I can come across as negative and sarcastic without intending to, then I  review conversations I've had with others, and often kick myself for saying something I didn't intend to, or for not saying something witty. Some people my view that as a kind of slowness, but it would be far from the truth, I'm acedemically very strong, it's just the flow of my communication is blocked in some manner, and this is due to the automatic "self-censoring" tendency, I also need plenty of positive feedback from others in order to feel more confident and less "blocked".Though people have told me before " don't worry about what other's think" but that to me is like telling a " mouse not to walk in front of a cat", I will worry, especially considering I know how much words themselves can wound, if left unchecked, and I don't want to hurt anyone. So positive feedback is usually essential for me, which seems strange cause I don't take compliments well, yet, I do need them, crave them in fact.

Moon trine Saturn

Defensive feelings, Controlled responses, Cautious behaviour. The dutiful mother, the need for structure and permanence. Bleak House. Lessons in the home.

The security of family ties is an illusory one, and it is often very 
dangerous to assume that one has the right, because of blood ties,
to command emotional support from others. Parents can die, 
partners can leave, and children grow up; and the person with
Moon-Saturn is generally courting pain and disappointment if
he seeks to bing these external things to himself by emotional need.
{Liz Greene, Saturn}

There is often a feeling of the "trapped child" in the personality of the Moon-Saturn type. Very often Moon-Saturn child had to grow up early and missed out on the maturation process, so that there is often a delay in the emotional development of the individual. Sometimes the child had to take on responsibilites at too young an age, often having to be the surrogate mother to those older than themselves. That lunar aspect of parenting which might be termed "unconditional love" is often in short supply, the kind of love that says ' I will love you no matter what, I will be here to support you, to protect you, I will be able to absorb and cushion your anxieties, your fears, your tears, your anger, your rage.' Many of these postive features fo childhood were thin on the ground, and the individual has to learn how to feel these qualities from scratch. The Moon-Saturn child generally gets the message very early on that it has to be emotionally self-sufficient. The child recieves early messages that they will be loved only if they behave in a certain kind of way; responsible and unobtrusive, staying in the background, not getting under other people's feet.Usually the child becomes extremely sensitive to the needs of others and learns how to react accordingly.The ramifications of this are that in adulthood,the individual finds it very difficult to react in a spontaneous kind of way because there is a constant, very often barely conscious expectation of criticism. From the outsider's point of view, the behaviour of the Moon-Saturn type is often very likeable ( if a bit wooden and predictable at times) this can be said for most saturn contacts, especially to the softer planets, because such contacts tend to be very sensitive, the Moon-Saturn type is painfully so. The classic Moon-Saturn type feels vulnerable and is scared of being hurt and thus will behave in what the individual considers to be as socially acceptable a way as possible. Saturn usually inclines to a 'formula' kind of response with regard to the planet it touches; with the Moon, the responses may be overly controlled, underplayed and careful or overly eager and gushy.

Sun conjunct Venus

Importance of relationship. Importance of popularity. Malleability. Self-love. The loving heart. The loving father. The pursuit of peace.

Sun-Venus people above all else want to love and be loved, they tend to identify, rightly and wrongly, with the notion of being a loving and affectionate kind of person. And they want to be seen in that light, recognised as a person who is amiable, popular and tender-hearted. Typically, the type wants to believe the best about any given situation and those within it and will tend to gloss over things that are less than perfect, either about themselves or about other's that they are in a relationship with.This can make the type rather short-sighted, seeing only what it wants to see, more positively though Sun-Venus can be very accepting of other's, and very good at making allowances. A charitable combination this, and at best one that can be associated with a genuinely loving heart. Because of this tendency to take charitable view, the type can put up with people and situations, that other's might find un-acceptable. Sun-Venus would balk at squashing a fly, let alone another's ego. One of the key phrases that could be ascribed to Sun-Venus is 'self-love' and an understanding and a dialogue with this concept seems to be a major task  for those with a tight contact between these planets. The accomplishment of self-love  may not be an easy task, if the conjunction is forming hard aspects to other planets, as will often be the case. As always the Sun describes what we are striving to become, not what we already are, and with this combination the hero's task involves discovering self-love and an awareness that one can never truly anyone else until one loves, and is at peace with, oneself. Often the Sun-Venus type does seem at peace with themselves though, and whatever the rest of the chart says about self-valuation, the conjunction especially does suggest that the individual is happy enough with certain aspects of themselves - even self-satisfied even. The long-term goal of the Sun-Venus type is often the pursuit of peace. Complete inner and outer peace.

Sun conjunct Mercury

Self-knowledge, Independant thinker,Strong opinions, Importance of knowledge.

Basically , Sun-Mercury people extend their ego over their opinions; they identify more strongly with what might be called the 'rational' mind. This is a person who identifies with their thoughts, idea's and with what they actually say. Those with this combination want what they say to be important and to be recognised as such: a kind of ' I am what I say, I am what I think' philosophy. For Sun-Mercury, knowledge is important, something to be proud of, something to be expressed with power, authority and confidence. At best the individual's goal in life is to be a genuine authority in some area and not just believe that they are.

Moon conjunct Pluto

Buried feelings, An intense emotional life, Transformation of feelings, Domestic crisis. Powerful Mother.

Moon-Pluto's emotional life reminds me of a seabird, maybe a gannet, a bird who dives headlong into the water for it's food and then comes up to digest what it's caught. The Moon-Pluto individual often has a similar attitude to it's emotional life, plunging and diving deeply into their feelings and relationships and then needing time on their own to digest what has been absorbed. Typically, the Moon-Pluto needs space as much as intensity in their home and emotional life. Those with the conjunction and hard aspects, especially, have a tendancy to feel invaded and intruded upon. The feeling life is usually very intense with these aspects but how this intensity manifests can vary greatly and often according to how aware the individual is of their feeling nature. The individual may have a powerful investment in getting to the root of their feelings, the investment being a need to purge oneself of them. To eradicate them at the source, others have a powerful investment in not experiencing them at all and here Pluto can be seen  to be 'killing' the feelings. But they are not killed so much as , until the time is ripe for them to resurface. The Moon-Pluto person is often sensitive too and aware of the misuse of power. Providing this quality is developed, this combination is a very useful one for those whose work involves the exposure, acceptance and transformation of feelings and personal histories that have been kept private. The counsellor, the therapist, the biographer.
Moon conjunct Uranus

Emotional Independance, Sudden Moves, The need for space, Rebellious feelings, Inconsistant behaviour, Changing moods, Culture shock.

As an indicator of what we need, the Moon, when coupled with Uranus, suggests that the individual, above all else, needs a great deal of space and freedom on a day-to-day level, especially emotionally and domestically. This person must feel free to feel what they choose and to be able to change those feelings at whim. This person hates to feel fenced in, either emotionally or in their domestic life. There is a strong need to feel vibrant, to feel alive and to feel that life could change at any minute and in the most exciting way. Little wonder that Moon-Uranus is usually very restless and often feels 'itchy' for change. This is not a person that feels comfortable with routine or domesticity. Inevitably people with these contacts pursue and feel much more at home leading, what to other's might be considered an unconventional life-style. The Moon-Uranus person has the capacity  to show they care in a multitude of ways, they do not feel confined by the mores of society and are thus free to act and respond as seems appropriate to them in any given situation. And intuitively, the Moon-type will often the appropriate way to respond. The Moon-Uranus person can be the type with whom you never know where you are: one minute brusquely independant, the next begging for help; one minute giving a warm welcome, the next seeming to forget you exist. Nevertheless, being generally humanitarian, egalitarian and desirous of plenty of change, stimulation and excitement, ensures that the Moon-Uranus type will enjoy a whole host of friends of varying ages, backgrounds, cultures and idea's. People find Moon-Uranus types exciting.

Mars trine Uranus

Originality in action. Decisive action. Precipitate action. Sexual excitement. Sudden violence. Electrical fires. Fireworks, Freedom-fighters. Revolutionaries.

Typically, the person with a prominent Mars-Uranus contact seems hyperactive,  and as if they are living off a highly strung nervous system. This person can never seem to stop. People with this contact not only tend to know what they want but also the fastest route towards attaining it. This is a very decisive combination, and having decided, Mars-Uranus will usually let nothing stand in their way. Those with this combination strong often have a great talent for getting themselves out of tight corners, and they are often highly original as to the way they go about doing things. Acting in it's purest form, unfettered by other factors in the chart Mars-Uranus will say " This is what I am going to do.... damn you if you don't like it". Classically, the Mars-Uranus person hates and ignores any kind of constraint. Little wonder then that Mars-Uranus is a contact often to be found in charts of those who an Unconventional or alternative sex life, for at best, the Mars-Uranus individual has the courage to pursue whatever path they choose, sexual or otherwise.

Mars sesquiquadrature Pluto
Fighting to the death, The fight for survival, Compulsive winning, Assertion of power, Sexual power,
Buried rage

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not pray for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield but to my own strength.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved but hope for the patience to win my freedom.
Grant me not that I may be a coward, feeling your mercy in my success alone; but let me find the grasp of your hand in my failure.
{Rabindranath Tagore, Fruit gathering}.

This combination has the reputation for being singularly ruthless and fiercly competitive, but as with most Pluto combinations this may not always be obvious to the casual observer or even to the individual themselves. This ruthlessness is sometimes turned inward upon the self. Nevertheless, this is the contact of the person who might say to themselves, unconsciously if not consciously: 'I will win, I will fight, I will survive at all costs'. Survival is usually a very big issue with this combination. The real problems for Mars-Pluto when falling in the charts of otherwise 'soft' and humane people, can be of owning their own violent feelings, and this is why the type can find it difficult to allow themselves to express anger and can also be ruthless with themselves. Not owning their rage can also result in the persona attracting other people or life-situations which are violent or require superhuman courage or endurance. People with this combination are usually capable of extraordinary courage and powers of endurance. The courage will often be emotional as opposed to physical, the Mars-Pluto person  can put up with the kind of extreme conditions that might be expected to crush any human spirit. One can also associate Mars-Pluto with the interest in magic and the occult and thus with all forms of hidden power and the idea of mind over matter. The performance or experience of music can also provide a vehicle for a tremendous realease of emotion. Perhaps a double dose of Mars type energy, as might be associated with Mars and Pluto, calls for a double dose of Venus: music, love acceptance and forgiveness, Expressions of love can do much to heal the scars of this combination.

Jupiter sextile Pluto

Hidden wealth, Wealth in buried matter, Enormous power, Exploring the underworld. Mining and recycling.

For individuals with this combination prominently placed in their charts, there is usually a life-theme around what might be described as ' the wealth of buried matter'. This wealth can take different forms: sometimes a very physical form, as in the charts of those whose work involves mining of various types ore, coal, oil or other minerals; or sometimes a very psychological form- the wealth that is buried in the unconscious. We are used to thinking of the unconscious aspects of ourselves, the 'shadow', as housing the more ugly elements of our psyches but many psychologists, including Jung, would be quick to point out that those ugly and sociallly unacceptable parts are as fertile, potent and useful, and house a great deal of buried. It's rather like the compost heap at the bottom of the garden: it's is composed of decaying, dead and rotting matter, stuff we have discarded; but it miraculously transforms itself into mineral-rich nutrients that can be ploughed back into the soil. When picking up the angles in the chart or the personal planets, the individual with this combination is likely to be very ambitious. Typically Jupiter-Pluto wants to do something very big. Just what, will be shown by the planets of points the combination picks up, but this can be a very relentless and ruthless combination.

Jupiter square Sun(Part of Quadriform)

The Explorer, Quester, Visionary, Opportunist. Large-hearted. Big goals. Self-Enlargement. Identification with God.

Whatever the actual contact, this combination inclines to bouyancy, optimism and confidence. With the soft aspects this takes the form of a gentle, almost complacent contentment with one's lot and optimistic expectations of the future. The hard aspects are more likely to yield overconfidence and a more obvious exuberance, and the conjunction might come from either or both positions at different times.Sun-Jupiter people are great visionaries,intuitively seeing their place in the overall scheme of things and having the gift of being able to see any situation in terms of bigger and better future possibilities. Their big goals can seem very over the top at the outset but it's surprising how often people with these contacts make their vision a reality and it's their innate faith in life and in themselves that enables them to do so.The combination is also useful for situations where the individual can legitimatley 'Play God' as in advice-giving occupations. Nevertheless, whilst one might associate a Sun-Jupiter contact with a larger-than-life personality, the combination can equally occur in the charts of more introverted individuals.

Mercury sesquiquadrature Chiron (part of Quadriform)

This placement, when positively supported, can indicate a highly developed mind, a sharp intuition, perhaps clairvoyant ability. Unless there are also positive aspects to Neptune or the Moon, however, this may not translate to healing ability. This is the realm of the mind rather than the heart. The native can tend to be a bit of a "know it all", and the degree to which this is a benefit or a drawback may be indicated by the number of supportive versus challenging aspects.
Jupiter sesquiquadrature Chiron (part of Quadriform)
Chiron together with Jupiter lends itself to creative abilities and these people do tend to have something of a "magic touch", especially those with strong contacts to Leo or the 5th house. Excellent teachers and healers, they are bright, lucky and talented when the two planets aspect in harmony, but when they are stressed, the native is often challenged by their own high expectations for themselves and others. Religious and spiritual intolerance can become a problem as they tend to see their own beliefs as "universal".

Quadriform aspect pattern

This is an aspect configuration is known by several different names: Quadriform, Arrowhead, Thor's Hammer or God's Fist.It consists of two planets in square aspect (90 degrees) and both in an octile or sesqui-quadrate aspect (135 degrees) to a third planet. The energy of this aspect pattern is a little like a T-square, since it has stressful, dynamic energy. However, the octile aspects (based on dividing the circle into 8 pieces) tend to be a little more complex than the square or opposition (based on dividing the circle into 4 pieces).
Some astrologers see the energy originating in the tension of the two square planets, which finds an outlet through the third (apex) planet. This means the apex planet must find a creative way to resolve the conflict of the square, or else it could vent that tension destructively. This perspective reflects the image of an Arrowhead.
Other astrologers see the energy flow originating in the apex planet, which then must find a way to wield the power and dynamic stress of the square planets. It's a little like holding a live grenade - what do you do with it?? You need to find a way to use it constructively and creatively, or the energy can become destructive. This image is like a Hammerhead or God's Fist.
By cultivating support for the energy of the apex planet, it is possible to give it strength to work constructively and creatively with the square planets.

Sun opposition Midheaven

You'll have to develop the ability to put yourself in the limelight in order to go after what you really want career-wise. Ego conflicts with those in authority can create setbacks until you learn the art of finding a middle course. A career that provides an outlet for creative self-expression, leadership abilities and personal recognition is important to consider.

Uranus opposition Chiron

You experience a polarity with respect to your approach to self-healing and spiritual unfolding. It might manifest as hi-tech versus holistic medicine, or it might have to do with a dichotomy within your beliefs and ideals. Personal healing issues might revolve around nonconformity versus tradition, and at times your rebellious tendencies could interfere with your progress. You may try to keep the dichotomy on a strictly intellectual level, and ignore your own deep wound or refuse to address it as a physical need. Experiences of non-linear time could set you on a unique path of initiation into broader dimensions of reality. If these issues are projected into a polarized relationship, it can be quite difficult to resolve. Try to understand that the choices and means are not mutually exclusive, and then a balanced compromise may be possible.

Uranus trine Saturn 

Cautious reform, Fear of change, Breaking with tradition, Breaks with authority, Unexpected brakes, Rebels in control.

Saturn and Uranus represent such opposing principles that when they are contacting each other, especially by conjunction or hard aspect, a very taut kind of tension is created. The conflict is perhaps obvious, Saturn concerns itself with tradition, authority, discipline, duty and responsibility whilst the Uranus impulse is individualistic, anti-establishment and highly rebellious. In personal terms, people with these contacts often have a gift of looking at an old subject in an extremly new way. In various aspects of their lives, they will also often experience internal conflicts as to whether to take a firm anti-establishment, progressive and radical line or whether to respect authority, tradition and that which has stood the test of time.

Saturn square Midheaven

You can lead people because you have an aura of authority and responsibility that others pick up on and your advice is often sought out by those who need what they perceive to be a reliable source of input. Saturn aspecting your career cusp demands a kind of perfection and those who have it are often successful after deciding to persevere no matter what, through trying times and obstacles. Suitable career options may include: politician, government worker, manager, accountant, corporate executive, construction and building worker, chiropractor, doctor, or dentist. Wherever precision combines with form, or reliable leadership qualities can be brought into play, you have a career possibility.

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