Monday, 9 April 2012

1st house = The Primary shelf in action physical characteristics, personal concerns.

2nd house = Finances, Possessions, Material values.

3rd house = Brothers & Sisters, Close Relations, Neighbours, Mental activities, all kinds of communication wether by speech, writing, learning, visting, short journey's etc.

4th house = The family, Parents, Psychic roots, Early enviroment, latter part of life,the foundation of ones self regard.

5th house = Children,Creativity,Pleasure,Love affairs,risk, Speculation, Hobbies,Sports,Love given.

6th house = Work, Service, Health, Hygiene, Employee's, Fellow workers, and the working conditions.

7th house = Marriage, Partnerships, Enemies, The public, Groups, Unions.

8th house = Finances and resources of others, Inheritances, Emotional values, Death, Regeneration, Sex, Beginnings and Endings.

9th house = Expansion of Self through spiritual, mental, or physical exploration, philosophy, law, religion, publishing, travel, foreign lands.

10th house = The Career, Reputation, Highest achievement in life, One of the parents, Goverment.

11th house = Friends and acquaintences, Group afflitions, Long-term objectives, Love recieved.

12th house = The subconcious, that which is hidden, Self -undoing, the service which is sacrificial, the physic, serious states of ill health, large institutions, hospital, prison, monastry. etc.

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